Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture Elected Secretary-Treasurer of NASDA
LITTLE ROCK, AR – Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture Wes Ward was elected secretary-treasurer of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) for 2021-22 at their annual conference, September 22, in Louisville, Kentucky.
“It’s a great honor to be elected as secretary-treasurer of NASDA,” said Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture Wes Ward. “I am proud to represent Arkansas within the organization and look forward to supporting our nation’s states and territories in promoting our diverse agriculture industry.”
The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, founded in 1916, is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association which represents the elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries, and directors of the departments of agriculture in all fifty states and four U.S. territories. NASDA grows and enhances American agriculture through policy, partnerships, and public engagement.
NASDA is governed by a 10-member Board of Directors consisting of a five-member Executive Committee, one At-Large member, and the presidents of the four NASDA regions. Executive Committee members are the officers of the association and serve a five-year term. Secretary Ward served as the 2020-2021 President of the Southern Association of State Departments of Agriculture (SASDA), one of the four NASDA regions, and chairman of the Natural Resources and Environment Committee.
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture is dedicated to the development and implementation of policies and programs for Arkansas agriculture and forestry to keep its farmers and ranchers competitive in national and international markets while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of the state and nation. Visit The Arkansas Department of Agriculture offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.