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Jonesboro ‘Tip of the CAP’ Event Set for Oct. 26: Celebrating Highway Improvements in Northeastern Arkansas

Home » Jonesboro ‘Tip of the CAP’ Event Set for Oct. 26: Celebrating Highway Improvements in Northeastern Arkansas

JONESBORO | October 19, 2022

The ‘Tip of the CAP’ event in Jonesboro will celebrate highway improvements in Northeastern Arkansas made possible by the half-cent sales tax revenue dedicated to road and bridge projects. 

In 2012, Arkansas voters approved a constitutional amendment that established a 10-year, half-cent sales tax intended for road and bridge improvements. This resulted in the Connecting Arkansas Program (CAP).  The CAP is one of the largest highway construction programs undertaken by the Arkansas Department of Transportation.

“Thanks to the support of the Arkansas State Legislature, the Governor, and ultimately the approval by Arkansas voters, the last 10 years have generated $1.8 billion, funding 31 projects and 200 miles of roadway and bridge improvements,” explained ARDOT Director Lorie Tudor.  “Those projects include some important highway improvements in Northeastern Arkansas.  We are excited to showcase and to celebrate these projects and the progress that has been made in improving traveler safety and promoting Northeastern Arkansas’ job growth and economy.”

This second ‘Tip of the CAP’ event celebrates the completed widening of Highway 64 and Monette Bypass and the current widening of Highway 412.

Current Arkansas Highway Commission Vice Chairman Alec Farmer will join other state and local officials Wednesday, October 26 from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Woodard McAlister Club in Centennial Bank Stadium at Arkansas State University.

More ‘Tip of the CAP’ events will occur in 2023 to commemorate and celebrate the progress made in Central and Northwestern Arkansas thanks to the significant public investment in the State’s roads and bridges.

Contact: Ellen Coulter

NR 22-243

October 18, 2022

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