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  • Transportation

Adopt a Highway

Your organization can help reduce the impact litter has on our environment by participating in the Arkansas Department of Transportation Adopt-A-Highw…
  • Transportation

Request a State Highway Map

Since 1916, the Highway Map of Arkansas has been distributed free of charge to motorists everywhere. The map features the latest updates to our road n…
  • Transportation

Report Littering

Whether it’s on a major Interstate highway, a city street or a rural county road, you can help Keep Arkansas Beautiful by reporting people that throw …
  • Transportation

Report a Problem with Arkansas Highways

With close to 16,500 miles of highways in Arkansas, we appreciate motorists who take the time to let us know when they come across something that requ…
  • Transportation

Report a Pothole

With close to 16,500 miles of highways in Arkansas, we appreciate motorists who take the time to let us know when they come across something that requ…
  • Transportation


Ask ARDOT is a streamlined way for the public to submit questions and comments and communicate with ARDOT employees about topics pertaining to Arkansa…
  • State Employees

Empowering Arkansas State Employees (EASE)

Empowering Arkansas State Employees (EASE). The EASE website exists to help Arkansas state government employees quickly access their personnel informa…
Amber Alerts

Morgan Nick/Amber Alert Notifications

The Arkansas State Police serves as the coordinating law enforcement agency in Arkansas to alert the public of missing or abducted children. Known as …
Driver License Examinations

Drivers License Examinations

Each highway patrol troop commander is responsible for establishing a regular driver’s license testing schedule in each of the troop counties. The Dri…
Silver Alerts

Silver Alert Notifications

Time is of the essence when individuals with Alzheimer’s or other cognitive disorders wander off or become lost. The Silver Alert Program was develope…

Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program