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State Board of Election Commissioners

Home » Agencies » State Board of Election Commissioners
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm
Address: 501 Woodlane Street, Little Rock, AR 72201-1094
Phone: 501-682-2767
Toll-free: 800-411-6996
Fax: 501-682-1782


State Board of Election Commissioners

The State Board of Election Commissioners consists of an eight member staff serving a seven member board comprised of the Secretary of State as Chairperson, two members appointed by the Governor, and one member each appointed by the chair of the state Democratic party, the chair of the state Republican party, the President Pro Tempore of the Arkansas Senate, and the Speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives. The mission of the Board is to improve the orderly conduct of elections in the State by promoting fair and orderly election procedures through education, assistance, and monitoring. The Board develops resources to educate and assist candidates and county election administrators, develops specialized training programs, conducts and coordinates statewide training of county election commissioners and election officials, monitors compliance by local election authorities with federal and state election laws, investigates complaints of alleged election misconduct and election law violations, and distributes funds to the counties for state-supported political party primary elections, nonpartisan judicial general elections, special primary elections, and statewide special elections.

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