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Repairs Require Closure of Highway 160 near Smackover

Home » Repairs Require Closure of Highway 160 near Smackover

UNION COUNTY (10-7) –Repairs to the bridge over the Camp Creek Relief require closure of Highway 160 near Smackover, according to Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT) officials.

Weather permitting; crews will close Highway 160 at the Camp Creek Relief Bridge beginning Monday, October 11 through Friday, October 22. The highway will remain closed for the duration of the work, expected to last almost two weeks.

Traffic will detour around the area via Highway 57 to Highway 82, Highway 172, back to Highway 7.  

Orange cones, electronic message boards, and signage will control traffic. Additional travel information can be found at or You can also follow us on Twitter @IDriveArkansas for traffic and @myARDOT for everything else.


Contact: Britni Dumas

NR 21-329

October 7, 2021

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