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Arkansas State Library Catalog Search

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Arkansas State Library Catalog Search

The mission of the Arkansas State Library is to serve as the information resource center for state agencies, legislators and legislative staffs, to provide guidance and support for the development of local public libraries and library services, and to provide the resources, services, and leadership necessary to meet the educational, informational and cultural needs of the citizens of Arkansas. The agency administers state and federal funds appropriated for libraries and library development, including State Aid To Public Libraries funds and federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds (formerly Library Services and Construction Act). The goals of the State Library are to 1) develop access to libraries and information resources; 2) provide library and information services to state government, as well as to citizens statewide; 3) promote the development, use and support of public libraries and information resources; 4) foster the recruitment, training, and education of library personnel; and 5) provide effective leadership and administration needed to improve public libraries and library services.

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