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Arkansas Workforce Development Board

Home » Agencies » Department of Commerce » Division of Workforce Connections » Arkansas Workforce Development Board
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm
Address: #2 Capitol Mall, Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-371-1022
Toll-free: 855-225-4440
Fax: 501-683-5858


Division of Workforce Connections

Arkansas Workforce Development Board

 The Arkansas Workforce Development Board is appointed by the governor and serves as a convener of state, regional, and local workforce system partners to enhance the capacity and performance of the workforce development system; align and improve employment, training, and education programs; and, through these efforts promote economic growth. 


As a strategic convener, the Arkansas Workforce Development Board promotes partnerships and engages key stakeholders. Through the leadership of the Arkansas Workforce Development Board, the state can ensure that the workforce development system in Arkansas is customer-driven, for both job seekers and employers. This effort includes aligning federal investments in job training, integrating service delivery across programs, and ensuring that the workforce system is job-driven and matches employers with skilled individuals.


The vision for the Arkansas Workforce Development Delivery System by the Arkansas Workforce Development Board provides standards for a high-quality workforce center including customer service, innovation and service design, systems integration, and high-quality staffing. This publicly-funded workforce system is designed to increase access to, and opportunities for, the employment, education, training, and support services that individuals need to succeed in the labor market, particularly those with barriers to employment.


The management of the Arkansas delivery system is a shared responsibility of the State, Local Workforce Development Boards, Chief-Elected Officials, core WIOA partners, other required partners, and Workforce Center operators.



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