The Official Website of the State of Arkansas

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Office of Accounting

Address: 1509 West 7th, Ste 403, Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-1688
Fax: 501-683-0823


Finance Division

Office of Accounting

The major statutory responsibilities, functions, and authorities utilized by the Office of Accounting are contained in the State General Accounting and Budgetary Procedures Law, State Revenue Stabilization Law, and State Revenue Classification Law. The mission of this office is to carry out its statutory responsibilities in a service-oriented manner while maintaining a high degree of fiscal integrity and to strive to improve management of financial resources statewide by providing all activities of State government a fully adequate accounting and reporting system, reducing administrative paperwork, and time required to comply with the policies of the Department of Finance and Administration.

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      Severe Weather: Donate to the Arkansas Disaster Relief Program