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Division of Arkansas Heritage

Home » Agencies » Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism » Division of Arkansas Heritage
Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Address: 1100 North St., Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 479-394-3060
Fax: 501-324-9154


Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism

Division of Arkansas Heritage

The Department of Arkansas Heritage was created in 1975 to preserve and promote Arkansas’s heritage as a source of pride and enjoyment for all. It consists of eight divisions, that is, four museums and four heritage resource divisions, each providing Arkansas information resources and unique contributions to the preservation and promotion of Arkansas heritage.

A central Director’s Office coordinates and promotes division efforts to make our Arkansas information and materials accessible to all through annual heritage and cultural events, educational resources and special publications. We believe that understanding and appreciating our heritage makes us better citizens. Knowing who we are and where we come from lets us create a better future for us all. Please join us in our efforts to make that goal a reality.

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